CGS ORIS at DRUPA! Discover Our Latest Innovations!

Written by 16 五 2024

We will attend the world’s largest fair for printing and packaging from May 28th to June 7th, in Hall 8A, Stand A06


Written by 07 十一 2022

Great success for FLEX PACK customer at this year's Asian Print Awards!

How do industrial printing companies benefit by proofing and color management tools? (Part 1)

Written by 09 六 2022

In this article, we will have a look at how proofing and color management solutions help industrial printing companies enormously to work more precisely and efficiently.

COLOR CLOUD received EDP Award!

Written by 31 一 2022

We are glad to announce that today our COLOR CLOUD received the European Digital Print Award for the best cloud-based workflow solution!

How can I achieve color-accurate contract proofs?

Written by 01 十一 2021

Proofing has changed and evolved massively in recent years. Today, various approaches are available that can be used to perfectly address different requirements. In this article, we have summarized basic knowledge about proofing and briefly present the approaches – an exciting overview of the evolution of proofing.

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