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Hainburg, Germany (April 23, 2021) – CGS ORIS announced its digital printing partnership with China’s HanGlobal Group for the next three years. In the initial phase of the agreement, CGS ORIS color management solutions will be applied to the inkjet digital label and book presses.

G. F. Smith has the answer to that interesting question and discovered a lot more about people's perception of color, their feelings, and emotions in a really inspiring project.

During a very exciting workshop hosted by Pressman Solutions last week, we had the great opportunity to show and discuss how packaging printers can profit from the expanded gamut printing technology. This article summarizes key aspects and includes the recording of the session.

CGS ORIS offers a large selection of packaging substrates that have been developed especially for the production of color-accurate packaging proofs and packaging samples. They are the ideal addition to our FLEX PACK proofing software. Let´s have a closer look at a selection of samples!

Last Thursday a very exciting conference took place and we had the great opportunity to be part of it! In this article, we are summarizing the highlights of the session about “direct-to-substrate proofing” at the FuturePrint´s Virtual Conference!

In October 2020, we launched a unique direct-to-substrate proofing solution with Mutoh Europe. Now, it´s time to have a closer look at our customers' experience!

The INK SAVER module of PRESS MATCHER has been developed to not only create substantial ink savings on press but to also optimize the entire production process.

With an ink reduction of usually 20 percent or even more, not only a significant cost reduction is achieved, but also a substantial increase in print quality.

An overall lower ink coverage optimizes print contrast and enhances visible details. Spot and brand colors are also displayed more precisely.

Printing with less ink automatically leads to faster drying times and significantly increases your production speed. Print capacity that can be used for new customer orders. As a result, you can process more print jobs from your customers at the same time!

Besides that, negative effects from environmental factors are also minimized. Banners and signboards are less susceptible to fading and abrasion.

Printing more jobs means more profit; usually, INK SAVER pays for itself within less than a year.

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More details:

Ink savings and cost reduction
With INK SAVER, substantial ink savings of at least 20 percent are achieved. Depending on the print process and the colors, users report even higher savings. This is particularly true in large-format printing, where advertising materials like posters or banners are reproduced.

Printing with less ink means cost can be significantly reduced. Typically, the investment usually pays for itself within one year. In addition, ink saving has many other positive effects, such as
reduced print head wear.

Quality improvement
Paradoxically as it may seem, high-speed inkjet printing benefits from substantial quality improvements when ink usage is reduced.

The most noticeable improvements are increased contrast and shadow detail, as well as improved rendering of spot and brand colors – especially those in the red area, typically a challenge for
high-speed inkjet printers.

Faster drying times
Ink usage and total ink coverage is greatly reduced. This allows for significantly faster drying times and therefore higher production speed. Increased productivity means more sales and higher margins.
Environmental resistance
A lower total ink coverage can also prevent negative impacts of environmental factors. Prints become less susceptible to fading and abrasion, for example. This is an important asset for promotional material.
Increased workflow productivity
INK SAVER uses device link profiles for converting job data. This ensures a fast and smooth production process and short processing times, even for very large jobs. IPDS environments are fully supported.
Environmentally friendly
With INK SAVER there are not only economic benefits, but also benefits for the environment. Reducing total ink coverage is by no means a negligible contribution to making your processes more environmentally friendly. This is especially true for processes that use large amounts of UV inks, as these inks have the highest savings potential, resulting in less ink waste.
Long-term experience & color expertise
We provide simple-to-use software solutions for all of your needs related to color management, proofing, prototyping, certification and quality control - the best and effective way to optimize your entire production process. Our proofing solutions are complemented by a large portfolio of specially developed substrates for creating color-accurate proofs and packaging prototypes.
Benefits at a glance
Enormous ink savings, usually 20 percent or more
Significant cost reduction
Increased resistance against abrasion, fading and other environmental factors
Faster drying
Reduced shine-through effect
Higher production speed
Increased productivity
Substantial quality improvement due to higher contrast
Better reproduction of spot colors
Return on investment usually within one year or less
Environmentally friendly, especially with the use of UV inks

Do you have any questions?

Please don´t hesitate and get in touch:

Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia/NZ:
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Tel.: +49 6182 9626 0
Fax +49 6182 9626 99

North America & South America:
CGS Publishing Technologies
International LLC
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Tel.: +1 612 870 0061
Fax +1 612 870 0063

From now on, LYNX and EVALUATE are available in version 1.12! Discover more about the apps and their new functions.

SCREEN and CGS ORIS jointly develop new technology that greatly improves work efficiency

Hainburg, Germany (November 17, 2020) – In the label and packaging industry, spot colors are often used to accurately reproduce brand colors. Especially in spot color printing the color exchange format, CxF, is known for more than 10 years as one of the best methods to capture and to transmit all details of a color.

The future of managing color is “spectral”. This article will demonstrate why, summarizes the key benefits of working with CxF data & explains how you can easily use spectral CxF data throughout your entire production process – from design to print.

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